// Project

Fullstack Portfolio

.NetCore TailwindCSS Fullstack CMS Docker

The website you are currently viewing. I made the initial version in AstroJS, but later I got the chance to dedicate a lot more time to it at school. I then chose to develop it as my fullstack project in the Fullstack Web Development -course.

The website is made with .NET Core and it utilizes MongoDB as its database. In the Frontend I used TailwindCSS and vanilla CSS. The website is hosted on three docker containers, running on a virtual machine. This is organized by utilizing Docker Compose, which makses it easy to manage the multiple containers that I have running. These are the dotnet webapp, the mongodb database and caddy as the reverse proxy. Caddy also takes care of SSL certificates.

There is an admin dashboard which lets me easily manage the content on the website. It is behing authorization, so only I can access it. The passwords are also hashed and salted for security reasons. Let me know how you like the website through the contact form! (written in blazor btw)

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The Team

Just me

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