// Project

Miia Raussi - Juontaja

AstroJS TailwindCSS Frontend Freelance

I got to create a website for my Mom's presenter business. She wanted to have a website that she could easily link to potential clients and that would showcase her skills and services. I was happy to help her out and once we got the basics down of what the project was going to include, I got to work.

I decided to use AstroJS as the framework, since the website was going to be quite simple and I wanted to have it be performant and SEO friendly. AstroJS is a fantastic framework for static websites and it has a great developer experience. Thank you Peter for recommending it to me! I also used my trusty TailwindCSS (also thanks to Peter for recommending it) for the styling. I had used it in a couple of projects before and I knew that it wouldn't let me down this time either. In eccense the website is a static frontend, hosted on a web hotel. The website is very fast and SEO friendly and uses just some JSON files for the content. It has been good enough and fast for a project of this size.

The end result was modern and clean while still having a lot of personality. The colors are easy for the eyes and there's a lot of small animations and transitions that make the website feel alive. The client (my mom) was happy with the result and the project was quite fast to complete, since I had a clear vision of what I wanted it to look like. Thanks to the great color palette, it was easy to make the design look like I envisioned. I am content with the result.

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