// Project
He-Ti Huolto
He-Ti Huolto is a company based in Hämeenlinna and they were looking to improve their online presence, as well as their SEO and marketing. I got to create a website for them as well as their logo. Which is used on the website and all over their branding. If you are in Hämeenlinna and look around the apartment buildings, you might see their logo on the doors of the buildings, created by me.
The logo was a straight forward process. They had an idea of what they wanted and a reference photo. It was one of those lucky cases where the idea struck me immediately and I was able to get it right on (basically) the first try. The end result was nice and the client was very happy with it.
The website I built with AstroJS, utilizing TailwindCSS for the styling, since tailwind is my favorite CSS library to work with. This is because it allows me to iterate and update the design very quickly, while maintaining a consistent look and feel. The website is a static frontend, hosted in a web hotel. AstroJS generates the site into static HTML, which by default includes ZERO Javascript. This is great for SEO and performance. It also allowed me to use JS frameworks in the development while keeping the build size small, lightweight and fast.
The clients were very happy with the result and the publishing the website was a breeze. It was also the first time I got to use AstroJS in a client process and it has since become my favorite frontend framework to work with. The source code is freely accessible on my GitHub, so feel free to check it out!
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