// Project

Joat Rakennus Oy

HTML/CSS Bootstrap Frontend Freelance

Joat Rakennus Oy is a local construction company in Hämeenlinna. They were looking for someone to build them a website for their company. I got on a zoom call with the owner and we quickly agreed on the terms and scale of the project. The website was to be simple and informative, with only a couple of pages. Frontpage with information about the values and services of the company, a gallery page with images of their previous projects and a contact page simple contact information.

This was my first ever client project in the field of web development. I had previously done some freelance graphic design work, but this was the first time I got to work on a website. I was very excited and nervous at the same time. I knew the basics of HTML and CSS, but how would it differ once it was an actual project? I used my limited experience and knowledge to build a website that would be both simple, informative and responsive on all screen sizes.

I made the website with plain HTML and CSS, with some Bootstrap for the styling. The website is completely static and is hosted on a web hotel provided by the DomainHotelli website. So the project was just pure frontend. As it was a very early part of my career, I didn't know about backend or even about frontend frameworks, such as React or Vue. I was just excited to get to work on a real project.

The client was very happy with the result and the website is still in use to this day. I have since learned a lot more about web development, so it is nice and nostalgic to look back at this project. Although I am not fond of actually updating it thought :D. I am very grateful for the opportunity.

// Credits

The Team

Just me

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